Steeped in dark myths and bullfighting folklore, whilst boasting one of the most extraordinary locations in Spain, it is small wonder that Ronda has become Andalusia’s third most visited town. With its world-famous New Bridge and bullring, as well as the hidden corners of the gorge on top of which it perches, Ronda will not disappoint.

Here is our Top 10 things to do and see, with an itinerary to visit Ronda in 1 day thanks to our Taxi Transfers.

1. Plaza de Toros de Ronda

I suggest you start your visit with the Ronda Arena (in Spanish, Plaza de Toros de Ronda), one of the oldest arena in Spain. Ronda is known to be the birthplace of bullfighting.

Built in 1785 by the same architect who built the Puente Nuevo (“New Bridge” in english), it can host 5,000 spectators.

One of the best bullfighters in Spain founded the bullfighting school of Ronda. You can visit the bullfighting arena as well as the museum, located at the same place.

All information for the visit is available in a on Ronda Plaza de Toros official website

2. New Bridge

One of southern Spain’s most famous attractions, Ronda’s epic Puente Nuevo, or New Bridge, spans the 328-feet-deep El Tajo gorge, linking El Mercadillo (The Little Market), the newer part of town, with La Ciudad (The Town), the old Moorish quarter. Completed in 1793, it took some forty years and the lives of 50 construction workers to build. For just 2.50 euros you can visit the museum in a little stone-walled cavern in the middle of the bridge, which was used as a prison throughout the 19th century and during Spain’s Civil War of 1936-39. It is also said, that during the Civil War both Republican and Nationalist prisoners whose luck had run out were thrown from the bridge to their deaths. For a searing fictionalisation of a massacre which it is said was loosley-based on events in Ronda, see Hemingway’s For Whom the Bell Tolls.


Opened in 1785, Ronda’s stately bullring is now used just once a year for the exclusive annual bullfight of the town’s September Feria. It was on the pale sands of this historic arena that a new kind of bullfighting was forged by Francisco Romero in the 18th century. Romero introduced the now-iconic red cape, known as the muleta, and faced the bull on foot, whereas before matadors had performed on horseback. Outside the arena are statues of Antonio Ordonez, another important Ronda bullfighter (see below) and of a life-size fighting bull, which better enables you to understand how hard it must be to keep still when one of these half-ton animals is running at you. There are several daily tours of the bullring and you can learn more about the controversial spectacle that takes place within it, at the excellent museum.

4. Ronda Viewpoint

From the Plaza de Toros, take the Paseo Blas Infante to the edge of the cliff. Start from the right side (ending in a dead-end street) and follow it to the end, you will walk along the edge of the cliff and will be able to admire beautiful views of the valley below.

Then turn back to Ronda Viewpoint. The opportunity to scare yourself on the footbridge over the cliff, as well as realize the exceptional situation of this perched village.

5. Ronda’s Mondragón Palace

Mondragon’s palace, mixing Moorish architecture (its patio) with Renaissance architecture for the later developments, was built in 1314. It was formerly used by Queen Isabella and King Ferdinand’s as their main residence when visiting Ronda.

Today it houses the Ronda Municipal Museum, which presents a permanent collection on the history of the village and examples of Roman and Arab tombs. You can also visit the palace’s gardens which offers a beautiful view over the old town.

6. Duchess of Parcent Square

Continue on to Duchess of Parcent Square (Plaza Duquesa de Parcent in spanish), considered as one of the most beautiful square in the city. It’s surrounded by several monuments including the city hall but the most remarkable is undoubtedly the St Mary Major Church

The construction of this church took almost 200 years and presents a mixture of Renaissance and Gothic style. Do not hesitate to go inside to admire its Gothic style nave and columns, its 2 floors Renaissance style choir and the beautiful baroque elements.

7. Watch out for the “Coño” balconies

Strolling along the Paseo E Hemingway, you’ll pass a number of balconies that hang precipitously over the edge of the Tajo gorge. These are known in Spanish slang as “Balcons Coños”, because when you look down you’ll want to exclaim “Coño!” (which literally translated is a very rude word in English, but it’s used liberally in Spanish). Step onto one yourself and you’ll see why.

8. Wine-making since Roman times

Ever since Roman times, the rugged scenery around Ronda has been used for wine-making. This part of Andalusia is called the Serrania de Ronda, and is particularly known for its delicious reds, although the region also produces whites and rosés. In May, boutique travel agency Toma & Coelaunch their Wonderful Wine Weekends tours, which offer a superb insight into wine-making in Ronda.

9. Baños Arabes – Arab Baths

The Arabic baths in Ronda are the best preserved in Spain. They were built at the end of the 13th century during the reign of King Abomelik. The large cauldron used to heat the water is still visible and in good condition. The star-shaped vents in the roof were modelled after the ceiling of the more famous bathhouse at the Alhambra in Granada.

The baths are located in the old Arab quarter of the city, known as the San Miguel Quarter.

Address – Calle Molino de Alarcón, s/n. Entrance is 3.75€ per person.

10. Palacio del Rey Moro y La Mina – Palace of the Moorish King and the Water Mine

Legend has it that this was the residence of the Moorish King, Almonated, who is said to have drank wine from the skulls of his enemies. Although more recent evidence seems to indicate that the King never actually lived in the building. Today’s structure was completed in the 18th century and completely remodeled in 1920 by the Duchess of Parcent. The gardens were designed by the same French architect who designed the Maria Luisa Park in Seville, Jean Claude Forestier.

The gardens give access to La Mina (the mine), an Islamic staircase of 231 steps which have been careful cut into the rock and lead down the river.

For centuries La Mina was the only source of water into the city, with slaves chained to the steps to pass water bags upwards. This water supply was a lifeline to the Moors during the various Christian sieges.

These steps played a vital part in Ronda’s history, it was at this point that Christian troops forced entry in 1485.

Address – Calle Santo Domingo, 9.

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